Maryland’s First Lady Visits Arundel Lodge

Maryland’s First Lady Visits Arundel Lodge

  • Arundel Lodge was honored to receive Maryland’s First Lady, Yumi Hogan, on November 2nd. Mrs. Hogan, who is herself an artist as well as an art teacher at Maryland Institute College of Art, visited with persons served in the Art Program and listened as they recounted the role creative expression plays in their recovery journey. Arundel Lodge artist, Colin Lacey, proudly presented Mrs. Hogan with one of his paintings as a thank you gift.
  • Mrs. Hogan later toured the facility and learned about the many programs and services we provide. “First Lady was very impressed by the work, personal stories from both staff and clients, and the accessible and growing arts program,” commented Jinny Kong, Special Assistant to the First Lady of Maryland, after the visit.

O’Neill Foundation Grant Provides New IPads

Arundel Lodge’s staff works across 32 residential homes, performs offsite visits to clients who live on their own or with their family, and works with both adults and transition age youth in the community, helping them find and keep employment and attend school. Documentation of these activities is an important part of ensuring the success of our clients on their path to recovery, and staff struggles to find a balance between client interaction, family support, and necessar documentation.

Access to advanced technology is a critical part of being able to meet the needs of the community. In partnership to support persons served and their families on their recovery journey, the William J. and Dorothy K. O’Neill Foundation provided Arundel Lodge with a grant to purchase 24 iPads and accessories for our Residential Rehabilitation Program, Supportive Living Program, Supported Employment Program and Transition Age Youth Supported Employment Program.
  • Using the iPads, staff is engaging clients and their families, while capturing and reporting on necessary information in a way that feels natural, safe, and comfortable. They can answer questions about treatment and planning more readily as information is available at their fingertips. The iPads travel with staff so information can quickly and easily be uploaded to or obtained from our web-based Electronic Health Record. Staff will have more time for establishing rapport, providing support services, measuring results of interventions, and reporting data on quality outcomes.
Thank you William J. and Dorothy K. O’Neill Foundation for the iPads that will help us improve services to our clients and their families!

Arundel Lodge Builds with Bricks

  • On April 25th, 2019, Arundel Lodge celebrated the Grand Opening of the John W. Brick Memorial Fitness center, alongside Victor and Lynne Brick and Merrill and Sherry Brick of Maryland’s Brick Bodies and Planet Fitness. Senator Sarah Elfreth, Delegate Alice Cain, Anne Arundel County Executive Steuart Pittman, States Attorney Anne Colt Leitiss, other state and county government officials, staff, clients, and community members joined in the celebration.
  • In 2016, Victor and Lynne Brick, along with friends and family, founded The John W. Brick Mental Health Foundation in honor of Victor’s brother, John, who died of complications of schizophrenia at the age of 62. The Brick family believes that a focus on holistic wellness that includes a sound diet and exercise could have greatly improved John’s mental health. As a younger brother, Victor has many early memories of his big brother, sticking up for him and teaching him the ropes. When John was diagnosed with schizophrenia, it became Victor’s turn to support and take care of his older brother. In the process, Victor observed that, “throughout all of John’s illness, at some of the best hospitals and institutions in the world, never once was exercise, diet, or a healthy lifestyle included in John’s treatment plan.” The Brick family wants to change that. “I liked what I saw at Arundel Lodge”, says Victor. “They provide so many opportunities for wellness–therapy, employment help, medical care and coordination, home supports, life-skills classes, healthy meals, and they do it with compassion and respect. I knew this was something of which we needed to be a part. We were in a position to join forces and make a real impact in this community. That means something to Lynne and me.” 
  • “I liked what I saw at Arundel Lodge. They provide so many opportunities for wellness–therapy, employment help, medical care and coordination, home supports, life-skills classes, healthy meals, and they do it with compassion and respect.”
  • We are so grateful to the Bricks for partnering with Arundel Lodge to bring the healing gift of physical fitness to community members in recovery!
  • Lynne and Victor Brick are the owners of Planet Fitness Growth Partners, LLC. They are also the founders of the John W. Brick Mental Health Foundation, whose mission is to fund, conduct, and promote research on ho exercise benefits mental health.
  • Read more about their Foundation here.